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Hawaiian & Hawaiian-related Happenings Around Chicago This Week & Beyond

From: GiGi W.
Sent on: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 1:35 PM

Aloha All ~

The Chicago Botanical Gardens presents 'The Hawaiian Islands Weekend' this weekend, Feb. 15-16 and Feb. 22-23. Activities include live Hawaiian music and hula. Also, ‘Ohe kapala (bamboo stamping) and kapa (Hawaiian bark cloth) demonstrations, lei making, haku lei making and more.

Also, this Sat., Feb. 15, The Sweet Pineapples (Tina, Ruth and me), Chicago's all female Hawaiian music group will be playing at Silvie's Lounge at the annual Valentine's Day event. We will be playing the open mic at 11:15 PM. (We'll be coming from a Hawaiian lu'au gig in New Lenox.)


And if anyone is interested, The Midwest Steel Guitar Festival comes to Illinois on March 30th.

The Hawaiian Steel Guitar is still popular and essential in Hawaiian music today. Here are a couple YouTube vids:

Hawaiian Steel Guitar Classics[masked]:

Jerry Byrd & Friends:


Have a great week everyone!

A hui hou ~ GiGi