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Fwd: "The Haumana", Hawaiian movie - 1 day Chicago showing only! Wed, Feb. 12.

From: GiGi W.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 11:28 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wonderwall Emporium <[address removed]>
Date: Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 11:08 PM
Subject: "The Haumana", Hawaiian movie - 1 day Chicago showing only! Wed, Feb. 12.
To: Wonderwall Emporium <[address removed]>

Aloha All ~

Apologies for being the last minute. If you love Hawaiian culture, music and hula, then you'll want to see this critically acclaim, independent film that was made in Hawai'i. Here is a clip of the movie:

This film is being shown across the nation now with a 1-day only in Chicago.
Purchase tix online only at through this link:
There are 2 showings tomorrow, 5 PM and 7:30 PM.
Venue: AMC Showplace Village Crossings in Skokie. See link for more info.

If you know anyone who might be interested, please share this info with them.

Mahalo ~
'Chicagoland's BIGGEST Stock of Ukuleles'!
BY APPOINTMENT ONLYVollmer Executive Center - 222 Vollmer Road  Ste AB Chicago Heights, IL 60411. Phone: [masked] MAP
 Authorized Ukulele Dealer : Kamaka Hawai'i (since 2009), Kala Music Brand, Eddy Finn, Recording King, more. Also Sitars, Tanpuras, Tablas, Accessories.

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GiGi Wong-Monaco, 
Founder/Organizer/Bookings/Solo or Group Performances/Ukulele Lessons
'Chicagoland's most 'seriously fun' Ukulele group!'
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