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What's going on? Too much, in a good way! – your weekly group update

From: Woodside-Sunnyside R.
Sent on: Monday, April 17, 2017, 9:35 AM

Hey all!


I hope you enjoyed all the running you did last week. We had pretty good turnouts on our regular runs, which included an icebreaker over beverages on Tuesday night. It was a great time we had a good mix of people, from those who've been with us since 2010, to those who joined us just two weeks ago. And on Friday, Jose hosted a Bean Taco Run! I heard it was a delicious run. Then, we had Jaime represent in Nebraska/Iowa, and Mel in California. A good handful of us also ran races this past weekend, from our own borough of Queens, New York to Newport, Rhode Island. Congratulations to everyone, especially to Sarah G. who placed first in her age group at the Spring Half Marathon in the Rockaways! (Do you want to know who else ran races? Follow us on Instagram to find out!)


Speaking of races, today is Patriots' Day, which means it's also Boston Marathon Day! And to make it more special, our member Gerald is running it! We wish him and the rest of the field a good one. If you are at home with a television, watch the live coverage now (assuming you read this right away, and not tonight or the next day). And if you are at work, like me, then... sorry. You can watch live streaming online, but make sure your boss doesn't catch you unless he/she is cool with it!


This coming Saturday is our spring edition of Run to Gardening! Let's meet at Windmuller Park at 9:30am and run 3ish miles to Hunters Point South Park, where we will get our green thumbs ready. We will also be celebrating the birthdays of our dear organizers, Annie and Juli, so make sure to stick around and grab refreshments with us at the LIC Landing after! We hope to see all of you there. And on the 29th of this month we have a special LSD run to the Palisades! Whew. See, like the weekly group update title indicates, we have so much fun stuff.


And last but not the least, volunteer signup is officially open for The 2nd Annual LIC Post Waterfront 5K! If you are willing to offer a few hours of your morning on June 3rd, please sign up for any volunteer spot you prefer. We aim to have as much volunteers as possible to help make this event a guaranteed success! And again, don't forget to invite your family and friends.  


Run free,




Watch this space plus the WSR Facebook group for updates and new additions to the schedule. If you are not yet a member of the group’s secure discussion area, please follow the link below, while signed in to Facebook, or message your organizer for assistance.

WSR Facebook group:

Message your organizing committee:


Coming up this week

Tuesday, April 18, 6:00 am

6 at 6 - Six Mile Run at 6am


Tuesday, April 18, 7:00 pm

Tuesday Evening 3.4-Mile Run


Thursday, April 20, 6:30 am

Thursday Morning 3-Mile Wake Up Run


Thursday, April 20, 7:15 pm

Thursday Evening 6ish Mile Run for All



Saturday, April 22, 9:00 am

Casual 3ish Mile Saturday Morning Birthday Run to Gardening


Sunday, April 23, 9:00 am

LSD Run (10–16 Miles)




Suryaside Yoga offers our members a discount (the same offered to students and seniors). To take advantage, email to be sure your name is on the member list, and then simply tell them you are a WSR member when you go to the studio.


Pure Spa & Salon in LIC offers a 10% discount to our group. Identify yourself as a member of the Woodside-Sunnyside Runners when you schedule an appointment.


If you are in the market for new running shoes, SKORA offers a 20% discount to our group members. Use coupon code queensnyc_runners20 at checkout. Follow this link for details:


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Please see our full calendar of events

like us on Facebook

join our Facebook group

check out our Strava group

and follow us on Instagram

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Your WSR organizers

Annie Sansaricq

Erica Campbell

Jaime Sperling

Jason Molina

Juli Borst

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