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New Meetup: Impromptu brunch in Flushing

From: user 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 5:30 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The World Food Lover's Dining Out Group!

What: Impromptu brunch in Flushing

When: March 15,[masked]:00 PM Noon

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: This is an impromptu brunch meet-up at the Flushing Mall food court
Flushing Mall Food Court is well known for having an incredible array of different Oriental cuisines.

We will meet at about 12 noon, commander a few tables and each person will go to one of the many stands of there choice and order. Then come back to the table and hopefully share there find.

I highly recommend one of the many dumplings, hand-pulled noodle soups, grilled marinated meat dishes and octopus balls from the Japanese food stand.

We had a great time a few months ago when we did the same thing at the Roosevelt Food Court up the street.

I look forward to seeing everyone there.

I will be out front until about 12:15, then head downstairs to join up with the group.

* Please remember to bring cash, as I do not believe that any of the stands accept credit cards.

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