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[graphicdesign-38] - Graphic Design Business Consultation Needed

From: ariel
Sent on: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 11:37 AM
Hi Everyone
My name is Ariel. I own a graphic design business and would like to revamp everything I do in my business. I have books on this stuff but I would really like to consult with a live person who is very knowledgeable in this industry in terms of Fee Structure, Client Contracts and others that relates to the conduct of this business.. I already have a contract that I let  my clients sign.. However I still get in the mesh and couldnt get my clients to follow my policy in terms of computation of my fees. I dont want to lose this client and I am hoping to have regular flow of projects from him. If you know someone you could recommend, I really appreciate it. I dont mind if he/she requires a fee for this consultation as long as the issues I have are addressed. I already have an attorney who can edit the Contract but for now I prefer to speak with someone who has first-hand & working experience in managing graphic design business.
Thank you and more power to the Graphic Design Group in Austin!
Best regards

Ariel G. Manigsaca
Graphic Design Consultant
PO Box[masked]
Austin, TX[masked]

"The greatest masterpieces were once only pigments on a palette." - Henry S. Hoskins

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