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Welcome New Members

From: user 4.
Sent on: Friday, September 9, 2011, 10:27 AM

Hello everyone and welcome to everyone that has joined within the last couple of months! I used to send out personal greetings to everyone that joined and then it got a little crazy! So, sorry for the 'batch' welcome!  We are are great group of history fanatics, at least I think so, so please do not hesitate to come out and meet everyone. The first meetup is always the hardest but our documentary nights and movie nights are the best way to get to meet everyone, there is a lot of chatting going on and it is very relaxed and full of food!!! We usually try to get together for lunch before or after a museum trip and I always post that in the description of the event. We have been together for 3 years but have only scratched the surface of the things to do in Kansas and Missouri so please feel free to contact me about events, locations or museums you would like to visit. This Sunday is the Strawberry Hill museum and we will be getting together in their Tea Room after the tour for snacks, so eat lunch before! I hope to see everyone there. 


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