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Tonight - Black Sheep Lodge Happy Hour

From: V
Sent on: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 1:50 PM
I thought I'd invite you all to join me at Black Sheep Lodge for one of the best burgers in town and some cheap drinks.

Their Happy Hour Specials:
$1 White Trash Cans (Lone Star and PBR Tallboys, Schlitz, Pearl, Etc.)
$4 Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka Drinks
$20 Pitchers Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka Drinks
(if you've not tried Sweet Tea vodka, it's awesome. though do take it slow)

I'll be arriving around 5pm, but feel free to come anytime between 5-7. We'll be in the back seated near the pool table. If you're going to be late, you can always txt me to make sure we're still there (after 7pm we may move the party). [masked]

Hope to see you all there!
