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HELP - Need Your Input on AgileCamp 2013...

From: Monica Y.
Sent on: Monday, July 29, 2013, 11:40 PM

Learn -- Play -- Network !!

Hello Fellow Agilists,

Want to participate in a lively, valuable day of Agile activities and learning this Fall in San Jose?  Help provide input on what AgileCamp 2013 will deliver to you!

Please take our short 3 question survey by clicking on the following link: 

Your feedback will be anonymous, and will be used to design the program (to be announced soon).  We would very much appreciate your input on or before 5:30 pm this coming Wednesday the 31st of July.

Please address questions about AgileCamp 2013 to: [address removed] .

Looking forward to your feedback via the survey.

For the organizing team,

Monica Yap and the AgileCamp program team

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