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Video of JUG meeting: How to build a split-menu system

From: Andrew S.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 6:23 PM
19 minutes of Joomla template goodness.
Andrew Smith
From the description:

How to build a split-menu system with a stock standard Joomla menu, using it in conjunction with content component parameters to build better “nested” content structures, defining SEF Urls and including SEO elements.

Darren is a University of Queensland trained Software Engineer who studied Machine Intelligence and Distributed Computing. The possibilities and potential offered by the Internet captivated him during his studies, and he has specialized in Web Engineering for the past 15 years. A staunch proponent of open-source software, he has been using the Joomla platform as an integral part of his practice since 2004 when it was still part of the now-defunct “Mambo” project. In August 2013, Darren will be presenting a series of Joomla workshops via “The Edge” aimed at beginner, intermediate and advanced Joomla users. You can find more information about the workshops, and Darren’s areas of expertise at his website:

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