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Let's make it official!!

From: Bill F.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 3, 2013, 6:39 PM

For those who don't know : The Camden County Humanist group is in the process of becoming an official affiliate chapter of the American Humanist Association. I have been in communication with the AHA regarding this matter and how to proceed in order to make it official. They are very interested in having an affiliate group representing Camden County, NJ. However, what I lack right now, what I need right now is what they refer to as a "governing body". This governing body consists of at least 5 people who are interested in being a part of a Humanist group and attending meetings from time to time. I must obtain the signatures and contact info of these 5 generous people on a paper that was sent to me from the AHA. After the paperwork is properly filled out, I will fax it back to them ASAP. If you want to be a part of the governing body of Camden County Humanists, please send me a message letting me know. OUr next meetup is Sunday, April 7th at 1pm at the Voorhees Library. Additional info can be found on our meetup page!!


Here is some info from the AHA site about Affiliate groups. :

"Affiliates, many of whom are primarily associated with other national organizations, are local groups who agree with the mission of the AHA while maintaining a clear and separate identity. Affiliates receive benefits from the AHA with a minimal amount of commitment. Affiliating with the AHA is a good first step for some local groups to gain exposure to the wider Humanist community. "


I will have the paper with me at the meeting if you are interested in signing up and being a part of this Humanist group!

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