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Seeking Active Organizers

From: Marcus B.
Sent on: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 8:39 PM

Hey Gang,

We are seeking ACTIVE organizers to put on trail runs and mountain bike rides.  This doesn't have to be huge rides or runs, just ones where you would like someone to tag along with.

Over the past couple of months, we've had a few folks leave the group due to the lack of mountain bike rides.  If you're a mountain bike rider and want to ride, then just speak up.  Chances are there are other folks like you in the same boat.  You can shoot an email to the group, suggest it as a meetup via the home page, or shoot me a personal email.

Being an organizer takes only two special skills:

1. Love trails

2. Want to share them with others

ANYONE can be an organizer by simply suggesting a meetup.  :-)

Don't see enough group mountain bike rides?  Suggest one!

See ya on the trails.


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