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HTML 5 and CSS 3

From: user 9.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 12:13 PM
I am interested in attending HTML 5 and CSS 3 class.
Recently I attended an online presentation on HTML 5, but the presentation did not cover everything yet (due to time constraint).


Please visit for more information.

-----Original Message-----
From: Meetup <[address removed]>
Sent: Tue, Oct 19,[masked]:10 am
Subject: Cleveland Web Design and Development Meetup Mailing List Daily Digest

[Meetup]Cleveland Web Design and Development Meetup Mailing List

Subject: Re: [webdesign-396] HTML Positioning next three Classes.
From: Aoirthoir An Broc
Date: October 18,[masked]:00 PM
Reply to sender   Reply to Meetup
The requirement to attend for the beginning is only for those that don't know HTML or CSS. Anyone that understands HTML and CSS already is free to join in at any class of the course, sit in and just observer, brush up on their knowledge and so on. When it gets to the positioning classes of the course I have to assume that the attendees will absolutely understand the essentials of HTML and CSS, such as what elements are, attributes, what a CSS selector, property and value is and so on. If someone has zero knowledge of HTML or CSS, then this 12th class and the rest that follow, are going to be too far beyond them.

But for those that understand even the basics, the next three classes will help them with positioning. I separated out the positioning aspects of the class because they're the toughest issue most of us* have to deal with in HTML.

Note: by "most of us" I of course mean COBOLers like me :D
Also keep in mind that I will be running another free class soon. Hopefully sometime in November, but if I don't get enough response it will wait until January. Moving forward I'm going to really need to make sure we're running the free classes at about ten students rather than two to five. So once we have 10 people that want to take a free ten week HTML5 course with CSS, I'll start it.

Hope that helps explain.Kind Regards,Aoirthoir

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