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Meetup details changed: CSStivus 2010!

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 1:52 AM

For immediate release to the Press, President of These United States, and EVERY Freedom Loving American!:

Um..ok with an incredible start like that I?ve GOT to come up with something good?.thinking?.thinking?thinking. DANGIT! I always confuse ?thinking? with ?not thinking?. Shimeny Crumples! How am I gonna beat that? AH Jez givem the facts:

CSStivus: A CSStivus for the L33T of us.
When: December 18th[masked]pm to ?.
Location: Stamper?s Grill Pub, 21750 Lorain Rd, Fairview Park, Ohio 44126
Contact: Aoirthoir at csstivus dot com,[masked]

Note: If you wish to attend this event you must register at . Don't worry registration is easy and your name aint gonna be shared with no one. Except my friend's cousin Bob. And Microsoft. Oh and Sun. No wait..what was I sayin? :D

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