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Meetup Details Confirmed: BIRDMAN at the Drexel Theatre!

From: Dan
Sent on: Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 8:02 PM


A quick note to let you know that the showtime has been confirmed for a film that’s on everyone’s watch list: BIRDMAN! Purchase your ticket for the 7:00pm showing and meet me inside the theater lobby between 6:20 and 6:40pm. Monday night movie specials include $6 admission, $2.50 small popcorn and $2.50 medium sodas!  Just let 'em know you're with the Columbus Movie Group!

I don't think you need any more encouragement for this gem of a movie, but here’s five great reasons to join us on Monday for Birdman!

  1. The return of actor Michael Keaton in a career best performance!
  2. This thing is awards bound! Birdman is an early and well-deserved favorite in many categories, including Best Actor, Supporting Actor and Supporting Actress!
  3. Universal acclaim, including overall 90%+ ratings from audiences, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic!
  4. Aladdin’s after the show!  Post-movie conversation, Mediterranean food, drinks, and/or dessert!
  5. Good friends, a stellar movie, and some fun times together after the show! What could be better?

For complete details, a trailer or to RSVP, click here:

Look forward to seeing you there!




  • Get there early if you can!  This is an opening-week showing and I believe the Drexel is the only place in town you can currently see it!
  • Park near Aladdin's and you won't have to walk far at the end of the night!

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