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Independent Contract Presentation Follow-Up

From: Douglas G.
Sent on: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 10:59 AM
Independent Contract Presentation Follow-Up

Thanks to those of you who made it out to the Independent Contracts presentation Friday, July 17th.  For those who are interested, and those who did not make it to the presentation, I have posted the slides from the presentation on my blog at  If you would like a copy of the PowerPoint slides, send me an email and I will forward them to you.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can use contracts effectively in your business, or other legal services.  Let me know.  Also, if you know of someone who might benefit from my services.  Id be happy to follow up with them.


Douglas R. Griess, Esq.
Dymond Reagor Colville, LLP
The Edward Building
8400 E. Prentice Avenue, Suite 1040
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
(303)[masked] phone
(866)[masked]66 facsimile
[address removed]

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