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Re: [Crochet-Club] Settings have changed for Off the HOOK! Crochet Club

From: john a.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 5, 2012, 9:22 PM

When was the stich and pitch is it to late to buy a ticket I'm not working rt now but I will have some mony by Sunday.exuse my spelling thank you.:-)

On Jun 5,[masked]:06 PM, "*Laura*" <[address removed]> wrote:

*Laura*, the Organizer of 'Off the HOOK! Crochet Club' Meetup Group has changed the settings for the group.

Members can add Meetups and announce them to the group.
Post a Meetup at


Hey all!  Just wanted to let you know that members of Off the HOOK can schedule and host meetups for our group!  I welcome that!

Have fun and greet members with a smile!


Happy Hooking!


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This message was sent by *Laura* ([address removed]) from Off the HOOK! Crochet Club.
To learn more about *Laura*, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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