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Content Warning about Wednesday's Meetup...

From: mickey b.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 7:55 PM


Hi All,

Just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow's meetup will feature Eryk reading chapter one of his novel 'Dirt Bags'.  From the title you may surmise that it is an underbelly/ Quentin Tarantino type of tale  ~ language & content will be a bit graphic.  Eryk has just returned from a writer's conference & I hope he'll also share some of his impressions & lessons learned.


Otherwise, we have two openings to read.  E-mail me back by hitting return - first come, first read.  Guidelines - expect to have up to 30 minutes for both the reading & the critiques.

I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow, I've got a feeling that this will be one of those meetings to remember.




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