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Re: [DallasYiJing] Yi Jing Hexagram flash cards and table

From: Lauren
Sent on: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 9:13 AM
wow thanks so much for all the links and information.  i have yet been able to join you folks but without a doubt you group provides interesting persepective and reading material for me. 


From: Craig Anthony Leger <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tue, January 26,[masked]:08:54 PM
Subject: [DallasYiJing] Yi Jing Hexagram flash cards and table

I have added two files to the Dallas Yi Jing Meetup Files section:

I have used DejaVu Sans (a unicode font) in both the flash cards and the table to depict the Yi Jing hexagrams, trigrams, and the Chinese names for the hexagrams. Refer to Alan Wood's website for more information about using unicode for Yi Jing hexagram symbols:

Let me know if there are any errors, or if you need help in how to use the flash cards or the table of hexagrams.

Thank you.

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