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Register by WEDNESDAY to get the payment plan!

From: Joy V.
Sent on: Sunday, March 22, 2015, 9:48 AM

TarotCon Denver is bringing some of the best local, regional, national, and international tarot experts right here to the Denver Tarot Meetup! This is a watershed event, the first of its magnitude, and we are excited to let the rest of the world see what an active, vibrant, committed, passionate, curious and always-growing group we have here!

Richard Hartnett says, "...I find that there is always more to learn about the Tarot. By far and away the most helpful venue for my development as a reader has been through my interactions with others in classes and conferences."

Marcus Katz, co-producer of TarotCon Denver and founder of Tarosophy Tarot Association says, "This is going to be a stonkingly good event. You'd be bonkers to miss it!"

Please register by this Wednesday, March 25! You get the Early Bird Special Payment Plan--three easy installments of only $50 each!

Find out more about the event and see the speaker lineup at or register at (to do the payment plan, look for the PayPal "subscribe" button!).

Renna Shesso says, "Lots of presenters, a good bargain for the numbers of teachers you'll meet AND if you register before March 25, you get the option of paying for your ticket over time, in three $50 increments. When I think of how much I've spent on a tarot deck - or a few tarot decks - it's worth the price of a conference like this to better understand how to USE those decks!"

If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this message. It will only come to me, and I'm happy to help you out!

See you at the Con!

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