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Authentic Life vs. Idols of the Anonymous Crowd

From: Charles P.
Sent on: Friday, December 23, 2011, 4:06 AM
"The authentic life concerns how a person comes to terms with the tremendous phony power of  society and the material word.  How can your spirit and personality be unique in spite of such  false pressures?  Do most people end up fake to the core distracted by the idols of the  anonymous crowd, like the many anti-heroes in contemporary literature?  Why do so few people  become unique individuals in significant ways?" 

The Chicago Colloquium welcomes anyone seeking an answer to these questions, and interested in discussing philosophy to an:
I-Thou Dialogue
Friday, December 30th at 7:00 PM
Temporary Location for Dec meeting:
La Puebla Restaurant
2658 N. Milwaukee, Chicago
near Kedzie and Diversey, Logan Square stop on the Blue Line
parking in back and on street
Bob Lichtenbert
[address removed]

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