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Happy Hours in Seattle

From: Patty
Sent on: Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 9:51 AM

I notice it has been over five months since you signed up for a happy hour in seattle meetup.

If this is due to the happy hours are not scheduled at the day/time/place that is good for you -- I am glad to make you an assistant organizer and let you organize one. There are no fees for this.

You can organize a happy hour on a one time basis or regular. I am adding as many assistant organizers as I can, so we can get more happy hours scheduled. Just add to the calendar what you what when you want!

Or if you just need to update your email address, there is a link below where you can do this.

Just let me know what can be done to get more people involved in the happy hours in seattle meetup, who are inactive for five months or longer. Comments or suggestions are welcome.

If you just want to be on the meetup site to view the calendar, you can do this without being a member and without getting emails from happy hours in seattle. I have opened this up, so anyone who has internet access can view the events. If you sign up you may get emails from the happy hour in seattle meetup.



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