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Fwd: Vaadin Hackathon is now live!

From: Marius K.
Sent on: Thursday, March 5, 2015, 12:21 AM
(sorry if this post comes through multiple times, I'm not entirely sure which group to use..)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vaadin Team <[address removed]>
Date: 4 March 2015 at 22:46
Subject: Vaadin Hackathon is now live!
To: Marius Kruger <[address removed]>

Hi there fellow Vaadin Community member!

Did you already notice that our cool online hackathon has started?
Check all details at Amaze us with your app and win one of the great prizes: a 3D printer, an Oculus Rift or an AR Drone 2.0. The challenge is on until March 30th.

This is a great chance to learn a lot more about cloud programming, Watson APIs and IoT. We have really good learning material coming out during the challenge so stay tuned.

I just finished my own project using data from an AR Drone and driving that through MQTT to a Vaadin app running inside Bluemix. It was awesome to see it work so easily!

So go ahead and sign up, code hard and prosper.

Ville Ingman
Vaadin Challenge Grand master

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✝ Marius

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