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1,001 girls... WOW!!! Our group ROCKS!!! :-D

From: Nanda D.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 8:14 PM

Hi Girls!


We have reached a landmark! We have 1,001 members in our group. Yay! :-D

20-something Ladies Social is one of the longest running girls meetups in LA, and as such, it is also one of the largest. Originally started by Charissa in 2005, the group has been growing steadily ever since you girls realized that it was a fun and easy way to meet new girlfriends in LA. I took over as an organizer in July 2008, a little less than 4 years ago, and I remember having just below 300 members. I can hardly believe we are over 1,000 now!

What's even more amazing is that we have had 190 meetups total, which averages out to 2.3 meetups per month. Many of you girls have attended dozens of these events, made friends with a handful of girls who you are in touch with regularly, outside of the group. You are the building blocks of our meetup and I hope you will continue to be part of our wonderful club for a long time!

Others of you have attended only a few events, but I know you will be back for more, because frankly, these gals are addictive! :)

Some of you are still collecting the courage to come and meet us. I understand that it can be intimidating to come to an event where you don't know anyone... But that's the exact reason why you have to come and join us! If you don't make that step, you will never meet your new BFF. So come and join us soon, we have a lot of great events to come!!!


See you around!





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