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Possible date change??

From: Pete
Sent on: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 7:01 AM
Hi Group,

Thanks everyone for signing up and RSVP'ing. We now have 10 RSVP's, which is the max for our little ride. Since it's going to be getting dark earlier, I was wondering if you'd all agree to move the date up to take advantage of the light and warm weather for our first ride. Possible even on a weekend. I'm free on Saturday 9/20. I'm completely open to other dates, or just keeping it where it is.
I apologize for the poor organization. This group/ride was set up by a errant click of the mouse. Everything happens for a reason though, right? Since I've never planned, or even gone on a group ride, I'm open to suggestions about where to ride, length of ride, etc. Eric had some good suggestions which can be seen in the comments of the event page. Would somebody like to be a co-organizer?
I don't have Chatterbox but it sounds like yet another cool thing to spend some money on. Sounds like a great, useful tool for a ride too.
I'm looking forward to meeting you all and having some fun on our scoots. Please let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions.

Thanks, Pete.

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