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Re: [poetry-566] Interested in writing verse for fantasy art work?

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, February 19, 2010, 12:55 PM
Hi Angelika,
I'm new to the group, having just moved to North Carolina, though I haven't had the opportunity
to meet the members of the group as yet, I did want to respond to Alan's inquiry.
My son's mission to Haiti with the US Army has been "hurry up and pack you're leaving any minute now''
for the past two weeks, and I missed the meeting that I had rsvp'd to attend with my guest, Raleigh poet,
David Nelson Bradsher.
Looking through Alan's work brought to mind the staying power of metrical verse like Poe's thriller, The Raven,
and the nursery rhymes we all grew up with, specifically, how their musicality stays with us and guides our
imagination on to images. Alan has produced some fantastic images, and although David is not a member
of the group yet, I do not hesitate to recommend him and his work to Alan. I think it would be a Win-Win
situation for both gentlemen in their chosen genres of expression.
For the past six years, I have edited David's second book, a verse drama titled, The Vampire Sonnets,
slated for release later this year. The book consists of 202 Shakespearean sonnets set in 19th century
Chelsea, England that tell the story of the vampire,Tristan Knight.
In a conversation with David last evening, we visited Alan's site and reviewed the unscripted images.
What follows is a rough draft from David's first impression of Alan's Webmistress:
Webmistress, seamstress of our fear,
You lay your traps of silken webs
And wait for those who might appear
On roads of doom as daylight ebbs. 
O traveler, beware the path
That beckons you with silver thread;
The beauty shown is spun from wrath
And lures the living to the dead.
Alan can reach David by email at: [address removed],
or by phone at:[masked].
He is, at this writing, driving his parents to the beach, and won't have Wi-Fi access to return an email until Sunday,
but he is available to take Alan's call.
Thanks for the unorthodox use of your ear.
Looking forward to meeting you and the others.
Maggie Flanagan-Wilkie


-----Original Message-----
From: Angelika <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wed, Feb 17,[masked]:11 pm
Subject: [poetry-566] Interested in writing verse for fantasy art work?

The local fantasy artist Alan Welch is looking for a partner to write verse for his paintings.
He usually averages about one work a month.
He sometimes suggests a mood, but usually leaves it to the wriiter.
Yet he will generally provide the title of the picture which should be
used in the verse written for the picture, see his work and previous
verse in the link provided below -> follow Images and hover over the picture
or click on it to see the verse.
Let me know if you are interested in working together with Alan
by Thu, Feb 25th, next week.
Thank you,
Alan's message: "I am looking for
someone to collaborate with me as I prepare my artwork.

I have been producing fantasy art works for over three years. I
have had a woman in Houston write a small verse for each but
last year she grew tired and stopped working with me and I
would like to find a replacement. I'd love to find someone
locally to work with and thought your group might be a good
place to look. My website is here:

and I am getting an average of 200 hits a day. I know, not
stellar, but it IS exposure.

Please let me know if you think this might be of interest to
someone in your group.

Thank you,

Alan Welch

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