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December Update - Brain & Drumming - Last workshop for this year with Abdul

From: Nat
Sent on: Thursday, December 4, 2014, 12:30 PM

Hello All,

I hope you are well. We started regular drumming training with Abdul who is originally from Gambia. Learning to play the drums with Abdul is a breeze and such a great fun. If you haven't managed to attend to one of our session, you can join us this Sunday evening. Further details at

Abdul is starting a new 8 week course from January teaching West African rhythms.

I would like to share recent research on drumming and it's impact on the brain, it's all quite remarkable.

1- Drummers brains are different than other people's brains, find out why here:

2- Find out what drumming does to your brain:

3- Here is some body percussion ideas to keep your rhythms going

4- Here is a very interesting talk on the maths behind the rhythms, surprisingly or not they are very mathematical:

5: Here is an article about the healing effects of drumming

6: Social and emotional learning through rhythm:

7: Young people and drumming: “It’s an immediate form of self-expression,” he said. “It’s a way to talk, to release energy — to jump from one frame of mind to a more positive frame of mind.”

8: Research on drumming and it's calming effect on adults with autism

9: Are you rhythm or tone deaf? Not according to this research

10: Creative music making, drumming and percussions help with dementia prevention

Looking forward to catching in one of our workshops.

Best wishes
