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OT: Parallella: A parallel computer for everyone

From: Dave S.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 7:30 AM
OK, this is not specifically java related but I thought given past interest in parallelism and concurrency there might be some interest on the list.

The Parallella project has similar aims to the RaspberryPI, but with a focus on parallel computing - the aim to get a board out there with low power requirements and cheap enough for ordinary developers to experiment with parallel computing. The first boards will have 16 RISC cores (plus a dual core ARM processor) and they are aiming to have 64 core boards available next year if they reach their funding goals. The first 16-core boards should cost $99

An article on The Register gives some more background to the project:

Although the project is called "A Supercomputer For Everyone" it's clearly not a supercomputer by any modern definition.

I've no connection to the project other than that I signed up as a backer on kickstarter.


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