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Free trip to ATLANTIC CITY!!!!

From: Esosa
Sent on: Friday, October 3, 2014, 11:07 AM

Hey ladies, I know I’ve been gone for a while. But I plan on starting a bunch of fun new events in two weeks. And to prevent such gaps between events in the future, anyone who would like to be a co-organizer should let me know.

Not sure if anyone’s been trying to reach me, but my 845 number has not really been able to receive texts in weeks. I’ve gotten one or two texts, but that’s pretty much it. So if you’d like to reach me, please use my[masked].

Now, on to the good stuff. I was suppose to take a trip to Atlantic City tonight, but I can no longer go. My room is NON-REFUNDABLE, which is a total bummer. I hate to see it go to waste, so if anyone wants a free deluxe suite with an ocean view tonight. Let me know!!!! Take a quick trip to Atlantic City. Check out is tomorrow at 12:00. Just ask me and it yours.