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RE: [nygiants-35] Occupy Ace's 2011

From: user 1.
Sent on: Saturday, December 3, 2011, 2:26 PM

Aldo, do I need to wear BLUE boxers as well?


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Aldo
Sent: Saturday, December 03,[masked]:15 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [nygiants-35] Occupy Ace's 2011


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Hello New York Giants Fans,

It's time to occupy Ace's on Sunday, this is a make or break game for the 2011 season. This is no easy task either, as week 13's opponent is the Green Bay Packers, who are led by Aaron Rodgers. Don't get me wrong here, he is an excellent QB and his favorite pass is the back shoulder 50+mph super accurate fast ball to his receivers.

Now the New York Football Giants have their backs against the wall (nothing new here) coming off a terrible loss to the New Orleans Saints in week 12 - this Sunday's game has a lot of significance.

This game is taking place in NJ at MetLife stadium and EVERYBODY on the NY Giants organization wants/has something to prove.

The Defense is seeking to redeem themselves after the TERRIBLE performance in week 12.  (Osi is ruled out)

The Offense wants to prove that it can score early in the 1st QT of a game (RB Bradshaw is a probable, WR Manningham is doubtful)


The Schedule for Sunday:

Wake up early, get some friends and eat a decent meal or brunch.

Next, grab your favorite New York Giants outfit that you have ( let's pretend its your last game watching them - so look good please)

Arrive at Ace's at 12:30pm PST - 1pm PST and get a comfortable spot because this game is going to get LOUD!

Lastly, make sure to tip for the BBQ and your delicious drinks BUT ALSO make sure your having a good time because it's NFL FOOTBALL and you LIKE IT !!!


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