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... Can you bring cheese or pour wine??

From: L.A. H.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 8:01 PM
Hi everyone,

With Thursday's event on the horizon and most everyone coming for free, I wonder if some of our members can bring the food "part" of our evening. The room charge will be close to $300 and I will find a way to cover that, but it would be great if some of the group can bring things to snack on and or help with the event (Checking people in or pouring wine.)

If you can help out by bringing a food item please mention it in your RSVP so the mouths can start watering for our event!

Thank you so much!
All the best and we will see you Thursday!

LeeAnne [masked])
Bring A Bottle & Vote On The Favori?