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January Book Poll

From: RK
Sent on: Friday, November 23, 2012, 10:48 AM

Hi Everyone:

I enjoyed the discussion last night and hope others did too. Thanks to all the participants for your contributions.

The poll for January’s book is up and will close next Wednesday. Please vote if you intend to attend. In honour of Gemini – who looks back at the old year, and forward to the new, we have some books that have been on the suggestion list for a long while (for the history buffs) and some from new members two of which suggested books on the same topic, plus a runner up from the last poll. There are more entries than usual, but with the ranking method of voting, books with a high score (60%+) will likely turn up again.

The poll for February’s book will go up next week, in case people have extra time to read over the holidays.

Have a great weekend,

P.S. This article, by the author of a recently suggested book, highlights the need for liberals and conservatives to work together, which starts by talking and listening to each other like we do in our club.
“We’re in big trouble, and anyone who does that hyperpartisan stuff now should be ashamed — or kicked out of office. The day after Election Day is the day for all of us, and our siblings and cousins, to come together and start building an asteroid deflection system.”