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Important - weather related change of plans for Highland Cemetery Hike

From: Jerry J.
Sent on: Monday, September 27, 2010, 10:57 AM

It's good that it's very likely to rain this evening . . . for all the thirsty plants, yards and gardens throughout the area. We certainly need rain. But, the 70% - 90% chance of rain this evening does not make for a great hike through the cemetery. So, unfortunately, we are going to postpone this hike. Instead, we will meet at Indigo's Restaurant (2053 Dixie Highway in Ft. Mitchell) at 6:00. No need to contact Indigo's. They will know we're coming.

We hope you can make it to Indigo's, but certainly understand if you had other plans for dinner. We will re-schedule this interesting hike at some future Sierra Club meeting time. Thanks for your interest, and for all who will be able to make it to Indigo's, we'll have fun there tonight!

Jerry Junker co-organizer for
The Sierra Club - Northern Kentucky Group

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