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New Meetup: Our Annual Holiday Party!

From: Art
Sent on: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 6:08 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for New York Singles (NYC) 20's - 30's Something Singles!

What: Our Annual Holiday Party!

When: December 18,[masked]:00 PM

217 Bowery street manhattan
manhattan, NY 10002

Our Annual Holiday Party!

Hosted by new york singles 20 - 30 somethings and Andy Troy

Hello Everyone:

The holiday season is upon us and it's time to announce our next event. On Friday, December 18th from 6-11PM we'll be UPSTAIRS @ Katra, located @ 217 Bowery, near Rivington Street.

Katra is one of the hottest clubs in town. Learn more about them by checking their website at:

"The decor at Katra is Moroccan styled with all the furnishings brought back from Morocco. Pillow-strewn couches and intimate nooks dot the lounge. The mood is laidback with a distinct Middle-Eastern vibe. The cocktail list is Middle-Eastern in origin and has distinct flavors like pomegranate, lychee and lavender blossom. Private party space is available at Katra, at the best prices."

Admission is FREE

**Since choosing last minute holiday gifts can be a challenge, we'll have several vendors at this event so come by, have a drink or three and buy something nice for those close to you!

For further info you can reach Andy at:


Our holiday parties are always great events so make sure to join us!

It is going to be a lot of fun.


Learn more here: