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Meeting Reminder - Join Us December 22nd, 2012

From: Hal B.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 9:52 AM

Hey folks, as a reminder, mark your calendars for this coming Saturday, December 22nd as we will hold our last Monthly Trader User Group for 2012…same place, same time.

We’ll take a look at the year, and what we can expect for the first Quarter of 2013…lots of activity currently going on in the markets; US fiscal cliff issues front and center; Europeans fighting off the effects of a recession; new “once in a decade” leadership changes in China; and upcoming changes in Japanese leadership all promising to throw more money into their respective economies…

Our User Group did very well on key markets this year, especially in Home Builders and the Agricultural markets…

Let’s see what’s up for the upcoming new year and investigate where possible opportunities may be lurking…

So, mark your calendars…


Trade Smart – Not Often

Hal Brent
[address removed]

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