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New Meetup: Wine Tasting at La Honda Winery

From: Clare
Sent on: Thursday, July 8, 2010, 10:36 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Palo Alto Champagne and Wine Meetup Group!

What: Wine Tasting at La Honda Winery

When: Saturday, July 17,[masked]:00 PM

Where: La Honda Winery
2645 Fair Oaks
Redwood City , CA 94063


Please join me on Saturday, July 17th, at La Honda Winery in Redwood City. This is a truly lovely, special winery located on the Peninsula. They are open the third Saturday of every month for tastings, and I wanted to help spread the word about this amazing find. There will be 4-5 wines for you to taste at a cost of $10. They also have some cheese and crackers to snack on. In addition, there is a small art gallery upstairs. The surroundings belie what a great place this is! I've come to know the owners, Ken and Cynthia, and they are wonderful people.

For details about the place, and directions, please visit their website at:

For this weekend, ,they said that Domenico's Wines will also be joining in the pour, as well as It's Just Lunch--a dating service, and Sanchos Taqueria Truck (yummy!)

I will be there around 1pm and stay until around 3pm. The winery itself is open from 11am to 5pm. I hope you can make it!

Kind Regards,

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