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A call for those interested in becoming a community organizer

From: Abe
Sent on: Sunday, August 12, 2012, 10:08 PM
If you think you may be interested in becoming an organizer and founding member of Our Community, and would like to attend an upcoming organizers' meeting, please call me (Abe) at[masked]. Help us and be part of creating a NJ egalitarian community!
We're starting an ecological, egalitarian intentional community. We're negotiating a farm property in Andover Borough, NJ.
Below are some links, for those of you that are interested. Here also are our vision and mission statements. 
Vision Statement:
We are a family of friends creating a community dedicated to caring for the Earth and its inhabitants by learning, practicing, and demonstrating the skills for ecological sustainability and a nurturing society.
Mission Statement:
Our community is cultivating a close relationship with the Earth through low-energy living, permaculture, natural building, and continual waste reduction.
We create community by valuing close, respectful relationships, using consensus decision making and resource sharing.
We support each other’s well-being and are creating a self-supportive, local economy, where we live and work cooperatively.
Contact:  Abe Karl-Gruswitz -[masked], [address removed]

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