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Dr Sultan Abdulhameed's Book

From: Sahdi M.
Sent on: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 11:27 PM
Salam All,

As some of you already know that Dr Sultan Abdulhameed is one of our special guests who presents once a month at your meetup. Dr Hameed analyzes verses from Quran from a unique perspective which is quite insightful. He has compiled all his writeups in a book called "The Quran and The Life of Excellence"

Although his book is available online through Amazon and Brans and Nobles, we have requested him to send us his books directly at a Wholesale price with his signatures. For those of you intersted in ordering his book directly from him please send me an email and I can order all the books at the same time. The book at wholesale price costs $20. If you are interested please respond no later than Saturday.

If you want to read his interpretation, I have just uploaded on the website one of his writeups that he presented today. Please click on more and then Files to get to the writeup.



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