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New Meetup: Away We Go - SJ Indie Film July Meetup

From: Glenn N
Sent on: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 9:06 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Jose Indie Film Meetup Group!

What: Away We Go - SJ Indie Film July Meetup

When: July 10,[masked]:15 PM

Price: $1.00 per person

Camera 12
201 S 2nd St
San Jose, CA 95113

We will see Away We Go at 6:30 at Camera 12. This is a bit earlier than usual, so if you miss us, we'll congregate outside the theater, then walk down to Bijan Bakery (on the pedestrian walkway, just walk west to vicinity of South Market.

We had 19 people vote, so I decided to close the poll tonight instead of tommorrow. Away We Go received 66% score, Whatever Works got 64%. In the early polling Away We Go was much further ahead. Food, Inc. was the only other film to score over 50%.

I plan to grab a quick dinner at Tandoori Oven at 150 So. 1st St. I'll be there around 5:45.

The movies on our list for this month were:

Sound of Music at California Theater
Food, Inc.
Away We Go
The Proposal with Betty White as grandma
Public Enemies
Whatever Works

I found a new venue, but no decent movies this week - the Indian Movie Center at 1433 The Alameda. Bollywood all the time!

Learn more here:

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