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New Meetup: March 16 - A nice winter paddle on Lake Washington

From: Saul_K
Sent on: Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 11:16 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Area Sea Kayaking Meetup Group!

What: March 16 - A nice winter paddle on Lake Washington

When: Tuesday, March 16,[masked]:30 PM

Logboom Park in Kenmore
6100 NE 175th St
Kenmore, WA 98028

The weather is fairly nice with hints of spring is in the air, so let's meet for a spring paddle on Lake Washington and the slough. We?ll meet at Logboom Park at 6pm for a 1 to 2 hour paddle. Afterwards we can find a place to get food and drinks.

We'll have loaner kayaks replete with life jackets and paddles for about 12 people. I will bump up the RSVP count to allow anyone who is bringing their own kayak to join us. I am cross posting this to two other groups as well. Seattle Sea Kayaking, Seattle Get Up and Get Out, so if it's full and you want a spot, you can RSVP on one of those.

I could use help loading boats at about 5:45 at my house so email me [address removed] or call my cell[masked] if you can help.

So far I am bringing kayaks for the following people - if you need to borrow and don't see your name on the list - add "need to borrow" to your RSVP and make sure your RSVP is a "Yes". Here are the boat assignments so far. I still have 7 kayaks left, If you're a maybe and you need to borrow then you need to change your RSVP to a Yes before I load the kayaks during lunch on Wednesday. You also need to show up otherwise you can't borrow from me in the future.

- White Necky Nootka Tandem (SSK) - boat has hole that I need to fix
- White Necky Nootka Tandem (SSK)
EQ - Purple Necky Tofino Tandem (SSK)
Donna - Purple Necky Tofino Tandem (SSK)
Renu Guest - Yellow Necky Tofino Tandem (SSK)
Renu Jai Sunny - Yellow Necky Tofino Tandem (SSK)
-PWS- Yellow Tandem (SSK)
- PWS - Yellow Tandem (SSK)
- Easy Rider - Beluga Tandem (SSK)
- Easy Rider Beluga Tandem (SSK)
Frank- Yellow Necky Amaruk Tandem (SSK)
Mary Segall - Yellow Necky Amaruk Tandem (SSK)
Saul - Green Necky Amaruk Tandem (SSK)
Diana - Green Necky Amaruk Tandem (SSK)

- NWK - Seascape Tandem (SSK)
- NWK - Seascape Tandem

- White Single
- Necky Tesla
- Necky Arluk III
- NWK - Discover
- Easy Rider Single
- PWS small green
- Concrete

Rating: This trip is rated ?protected? or SK1.

What to bring:
What to bring:
o Prepare to get wet, You might want to bring a towel and change of clothes.
o Water bottle. There's water and restrooms at the park.
o Refreshments and snacks for afterwards
o Your sense of adventure and fun
  • Lights - at least one white light e.g. headlamp (not a strobe or flashing light) to be mounted on the kayak on worn on the person. Cyalume lights work great because they still work when wet. Fasten them to your kayak with duct tape.
  • Perhaps a power bar or dried figs to munch on.
  • Sense of Humor and fun.

    If you decide not to show up, please email me, or change your RSVP or even phone me at least 3 hours before the launch. No shows for borrowed boats are a headache since that means we delay launch while someone drives the empty boat(s) back to my house - can't leave them on the trailer or they may find a new home while we're out paddling, and towing empty boats while we paddle isn't that much fun.

    I'm sure all of you will have a fun paddle.



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