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New Meetup: Annual Halloween Costume Party at Bruce & Debs House

From: user 6.
Sent on: Sunday, August 29, 2010, 7:42 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Serendipity Singles Group!

What: Annual Halloween Costume Party at Bruce & Debs House

When: Saturday, October 30,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Bruce & Deb's Home
20 Cloverleaf Dr
New Fairfield, CT 06812

It's Bruce and Deb's Annual Halloween Party!

This is a multiple group event from all over the region and hundreds are expected as attended in the past. So start scratching your head and start thinking about a creative costume to wear, I know I am....hummm.

If you've have been to their house parties before, you know how it works, If not It's (Bring Your Own) BYO EVERYTHING.

Sorry, this year we are limiting it to the first 300 that sign up.

RSVP Early and don't miss out! I would suggest car pooling and I can lead the pack at a park and ride off of interstate 84/eastbound/exit 15...just let me know who are interested.

Thanks Bruce and Deb for hosting another one of your superior meetup events, you guy's are the best!

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