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Founders Notebook: Off to Boot

From: Dr. Brian H.
Sent on: Sunday, May 24, 2009, 2:21 PM
Dear SoCal Science Cafe members, Hello from your Founder, Spc. Brian Hart of the United States Army. I have a PhD in Astrophysics from UCI but I decided I want to help protect our country. As of this weekend I am on my way to boot camp. I am in the area visiting friends before I ship out to Ft Jackson this Tuesday. The photo is of me (the tall Soldier) dropping on Camp Pendleton just to bum around, with some USMC brethren who are in the Marine version of basic training. I like Marines. They're good people. I am proud of them and my brethren in the other Services and those who have fallen. I am proud of America and for what this country stands. I wish you all a happy Memorial Day and my thoughts and prayers are with those who have loved ones who died in the service of the Nation. Very Respectfully Yours, Spc Brian Hart Officer Candidate, US Army

Have a nice day. V/R Dr. Brian Hart

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