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New Meetup: Find your Personal Heart Note™ - an experiential journey into Vibrational Bliss

From: HGMoses
Sent on: Monday, March 15, 2010, 11:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Sound Healing and Vibrational Medicine Group!

What: Find your Personal Heart Note? - an experiential journey into Vibrational Bliss

When: Sunday, March 21,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $10.00 per person

The Institute of Harmonic Science
730 E. Rowlands Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85022

Did you know every individual has their own Personal Heart Note??

In fact, the human body contains a system of vibrational coordinates which allow for a mapping of musical notes throughout the body. Your Heart Note? does not change with age. Knowing how to utilize and activate this zone of your body is a valuable tool for personal transformation. Since beginning this research 8 years ago, I have discovered that 85% of the women tested had the same Heart Note?, regardless of body type, height or weight.

In this workshop you will learn to identify, and I will confirm your Personal Heart Note?. I will reveal a method for activating this note anytime you want to slip into a greater state of mental and spiritual awareness. In this class I will share with you the secrets of stimulating your heart center through sound and vibration. The vibrational activation of your heart center can be achieved through external frequencies as well, however the internal activation through your own voice is the most effective.

As a participant in this class, you will:
* Learn how to identify and confirm the resonant frequency of your Personal Heart Note?
* Have the ability to locate your Personal Heart Note? on a piano and play it with the map provided to you.
* Discover how to tone and sing your Personal Heart Note? effectively to achieve a satisfying mind-body experience.
* Learn how to incorporate your Personal Heart Note? to favorably influence your health and wellness, while reducing stress and stimulating relaxation.
This 1? hour class will include theory, instruction and application.

For the last 8 years I have worked with hundreds of women and men to help them discover the actual pitch of their Personal Heart Note?. This "Finding your Personal Heart Note? class is the subject of a soon-to-be published book and CD.

Learn more here: