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New Meetup: OEX December Paddle and BBQ/Potluck

From: Andrew A.
Sent on: Saturday, December 5, 2009, 3:43 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Sunset Beach Kayaking Group!

What: OEX December Paddle and BBQ/Potluck

When: December 27,[masked]:00 AM

OEX Sunset Beach
16910 Pacific Coast Highway
Sunset Beach, CA 90742

Let's do it again, this time bring a side dish if you like.

I am gonna fire up the BBQ at Sea Bridge Park. I'll map out a good hour long paddle route and be there with dogs, burgers and beverages. Let me know if I need to bring veggie burgers as well. All this and your rental for the same low price of $10 or free with your own kayak.

Learn more here:

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