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NW Permaculture Convergence this weekend!!

From: Kelda L.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 1:06 PM
Hi Tacoma Permies!

Since we first posted this event months ago, and have had many people join
since then, I wanted to send a final reminder about this awesome event.
Though it takes place in Oregon this year we often have a fun Tacoma-area
representation, and it's great to be able to digest all the event's
activities with others on the way to or fro.

As far as carpools there's a car with one empty spot leaving about 6am
this Friday from Parkland. Our meetup page can probably get you more info
about other carpools, or if you're interested in downloading the poster,

The latest from the organizing team:
Please Join Us for the 2013 Northwest Permaculture Convergence.

This year's convergence will take place this coming weekend, August 2, 3,
4 at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon, just a few miles west of
Portland and accessible by Portland public transportation.

The Convergence is an exceptional opportunity to share what we know and
learn from others for greening our homes, neighborhoods, communities and
world.  Its rural, its urban.  Its food, education, culture, vision. Its
hands on where we live. The schedule is loaded with classroom
presentations, practical hands on learning, exposition, plenary sessions,
children's activities, primitive skills, music, movies, networking and

If you would like to see a greener and more peaceful world, the
Convergence is the place to be.  Camping on site, very affordable, public
transportation from Portland.  Friday morning is a special introduction
for beginners at a discounted rate. Kids admitted on a by-donation basis.

No better time to go local and green now! You can register, check out the
schedule and presentations, FAQ  at https://www.northw...­

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