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Permaculture Course, Swan Creek project, etc

From: Kelda L.
Sent on: Friday, June 7, 2013, 10:39 AM
I hope y'all don't mind this message to the list even though only the last
event will officially be a meetup:

1) I haven't done many open-to-public Permaculture Courses lately, but
there's a GREAT opportunity if you can rearrange your schedule fast. The
Evergreen Course (Olympia campus) has a few slots left and have opened it
to the public. AND it's at a much-reduced rate.

June 10-21, $450 for Evergreen non-affiliates, We'll be meeting everyday at
The Farmhouse. Half-day on the 14th for Evergreen graduation

And if you know you want to register right away, you can go straight to:

2)We're looking for one knowledgable food forest person (Someone who's
taken a permaculture course or worked on a few projects with Sustainable
Tacoma Pierce) to attend a preliminary discussion meeting between
MetroParks and Pierce Conservation District about putting in a Food Forest
at Swan Creek Park!! Among our core group we're having trouble finding
someone with availability for a June 24th meeting with them. I can make it
to meetings afterwards, just not that date. Could you sub in, take notes,
be able to talk generally about food forests if they have questions??? And
then we can tag team it for meetings afterward?

If so, send a reply to this email or call me (Kelda) at[masked]

3) Also, I haven't made this a Meetup but will soon, so save the date:
Sutherland Orchard Work Party
L'Arche Farm & Garden 11716 Vickery Avenue East, Tacoma, WA

Saturday July 13th 9am-1pm, potluck to follow.

Please join us for a mulching work party at the Sutherland Orchard at
L'Arche Farm and Garden! A few years ago St. Leo's Food Connection and
L'Arche Farm planted an apple and blueberry orchard to bear fruit for the
food bank in downtown Tacoma. The orchard is now in need of some good
mulching.  Join us for a few hours of work, learn a little about food
forests & take a short tour of L'Arche Farm. Please bring a dish to share
& your own dish for a lunch potluck!

RSVP: [address removed], (253)[masked]

Thanks all!