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Who's up for some lightning talks?

From: Daniel M.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 9:42 PM
Hi fellow Functional Programming Enthusiasts,
there has not been a meetup in a while, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a round of lightning talks.
 - You recently learned about this (functional programming) concept/technique that really blew your mind?
 - You've found this kick-ass functional library that everyone should know about?
 - There's this fascinating problem you came across that really lends itself to a functional approach?
 - Instead of sleeping you spend your nights hacking on this functional side project that you'd like to show off?
Then drop me a line (mail at danielmescheder dot de) or reply to this list with the topic you'd like to talk about for a unique chance to share your ideas with a group of like-minded individuals!
The format as I envision it (everything's still up for debate!) would be to have about 4 presentations,  10 minutes each + Q&A.
Obviously, there will be a chance afterwards to further dive into more detailed discussions about your topic of choice over a pizza and a fresh pint.
Let me know what you think!

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