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Today's meetup & beyond

From: Karol
Sent on: Saturday, October 10, 2009, 5:20 PM
Hello Polaks,

I was at Euro Caffe today in Beverly Hills enjoying a Mocha - it was great, except I didn't meet any of you! Out of 6 total RSVP's, we had 2 last-minute cancellations , but I have no idea what happened to the other 3 people. Show of hands: how many people flaked, and how many people went to the wrong location?

If you went to the wrong location, I apologize for not making the change more clear. I decided on a new location within an hour of setting up the meetup, after I was informed that "Cafe Europe" recently went out of business. I should have sent emails to everyone with the update.
If you went to the wrong location, I strongly recommend that you always check the meetup website before you head out to any meetup - the website always has the latest information. Changes do happen.

As for future meetups, I will not be able to organize anything for the next 6 weeks. I am organizing a huge event and will not have the time. If anyone is interested in being a co-organizer, please step up and let me know, so that we can organize something during this time.

5th time's a charm???
