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Meetup Cancelled: Intelligent Toys for Our Amigos

From: Mistydawn C.
Sent on: Saturday, September 27, 2014, 7:46 AM

Intelligent Toys for Our Amigos, scheduled to occur on September 27, 2014, has been CANCELED due to rain.

Hola Amigos! ♡ It is raining in Cedar Park this morning. Not hard, but it is raining nonetheless. Booo! If you little one is anything like mine, raindrops might as well be tin flying winged monkeys of doom! We will officially call off the meeting, in that Mistydawn will not conduct a discussion about intelligent toys, and no ACR table setup. If you can brave the light rain, go for it! We encourage you to keep your pups experiencing new things! We will try to have someone there with an umbrella. :) Today... Officially Canceled.

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