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CUT SNAKE DISCOUNT OFFER - 2 tickets for $25

From: Niall
Sent on: Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 5:47 PM

Hi All,

if you would like to join us to see CUT SNAKE at Bondi Pavilion on Saturday March 16th at 8pm, i have just found a great discount offer!

2 tickets for $25 !!

It got a 5-star review in Melbourne…too, so this offer is brilliant!

Firstly, though, just go and LIKE Arthur Theatre Company's facebook page at

Then go to Rocksurfers website

and buy your (enter 1) ticket and use the Promotion code CUBBY. (You will get 2 tickets)

NOTE: try to choose seats in the area of F10-F23, E11-E22 or D8-D17. This will mean we can be seated in the same general area....

Don't forget to RSVP with us at

Also, a reminder that this Saturday March 9th there is a day of FREE forums and readings and an exhibition-opening about the Old Tote Theatre Co. (of times past) from 1pm-8pm at NIDA in Kensington. It would be great if we could get a few more people so please RSVP here...


Niall Tangney

Assistant Organiser at 'Theatre Time Sydney' on




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