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Sunday is the Final Application Deadline for the Toronto Founder Institute

From: Jonathan G.
Sent on: Friday, June 13, 2014, 1:45 PM
Just a quick note to let you know that Sunday at 11:59pm is the Final Application Deadline for the Toronto Founder Institute.

Meetup members are invited to apply for free at

If you are thinking about launching a company, then the Founder Institute's part-time, four-month entrepreneur training and startup launch program can definitely help you be successful. Also, since you are not required to quit your day job to participate, it can be a great way to test and improve your business ideas, and to see if entrepreneurship is right for you. 

The Toronto program will be taught and supported by some of the area's top startup founders (with some visitors from Silicon Valley as well):

If you'd like to learn more about FI, check out this profile from The New York Times:

Have a great weekend, and stay tuned for some more fun events in Toronto!

- Toronto Startup Founder 101

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